Why should farmers join Farm Bureau? The first charter members of Oklahoma Farm Bureau were asked this question frequently when they visited neighbors and friends about signing up as a member. Just in case you’re curious about their answers, here are 30 reasons why a farmer should be a member, published in the Oklahoma Farm Bureau News in the October 1945 issue:
In union there is strength.
Only through organized effort has parity been obtained.
It is doing more for Agriculture than any other organization.
Farmers must be organized to hold their own with other organized groups.
It has made the nation conscious that the farm problem is a matter of national concern.
It represents all agricultural interests; all sections; all commodities.
It works toward securing for farmers a fair share of the consumer’s dollar.
It fights for Agriculture on all fronts – transportation, taxation, tariff, monetary matters, efficient production, co-operative effort, home and community interests.
It believes the programs for Agriculture should be made by farmers and administered by farmers.
It is the most effective way to register support of the Extension Service, College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station.
It watches over the legislative interests of farmers.
It gives its members unbiased information.
Its programs are based on research and study.
It gives farmers a voice in state and national affairs.
It plays a vital part in securing REA, AAA, and FCA legislation.
It keeps in the forefront Agriculture’s demand for farm-to-market roads.
It works effectively for better rural schools.
It stands on the principle that taxes should be levied on the basis of ability to pay.
It has done a fine job in securing sound farm credit legislation and low interest rates.
It has set up some of the most successful co-operatives in the country.
It has sound leadership.
It is farmer controlled.
It is a family organization.
The leading farmers of county, state and nation are found in its membership.
It has a well rounded program.
It is always ready to swing into action.
It asks, “What can we do?” and not “What do we get?”
It strives to raise the standards of farm living.
It is non-partisan.
It is your opportunity to do your duty toward your industry by joining with a million farm families for their common interest.