From the very beginning, county Farm Bureaus have met every year at annual county meetings to discuss potential policies for the upcoming year. Ever wonder what members talked about during the early years? Here’s a sample, straight from John I. Taylor, OKFB president from 1942-1953.
These discussion topics were printed on the front page of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau News in the September 1945 issue.
President Taylor submits topics for discussion at county Farm Bureau annual meetings
- What kind of program, if any, do cotton, wheat, livestock, dairy, poultry, fruit and vegetable farmers and homemakers want in the post-war era to protect prices?
- Do farmers prefer to have a part in planning their farm programs or can this be done by someone else? How can the farmer be assured that he will have a part?
- Can agriculture keep pace with industry in efficient production without enlarging and giving their research institution more support?
- What can farmers do to ensure adequate development of rural roads?
- Do farmers want a national fertilizer program, assuring correct formula, ample supply at a fair price and at the same time conserve our soils for future production?
- What local and state problems need concerted action?
- Are farmers building and developing their organization to adequately represent agriculture at the council tables of the Nation in this period of reconversion?